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Privacy Notice for Research Participants

This Privacy Notice provides information about how the University of Leicester collects and uses your personal information when you take part in this research project. 


Please also refer to the Participant Information Sheet for further details about the research project, what information will be collected about you, and how it will be used.

Impact of migration on female circumcision in the United State

The University of Leicester will usually be the Data Controller of any data that you supply for this research. This means that we are responsible for looking after your information and using it properly. This means that the University will make the decisions on how your data is used and for what reasons. The exception to this is joint research projects, if this is applicable you will be informed on the Participant Information Sheet as to the other partner institution(s) who will also have responsibilities for looking after your information. You can access more information on this via the University’s Information Assurance Services:


Information Assurance Services
University of Leicester
University Road
T: +44 (0)116 229 7945



Why do we need your data?

This research study seeks to assess the ongoing risk to, and support service requirements of, those impacted by female circumcision in the United States. 


University of Leicester’s legal basis for collecting this data is: 

Processing is necessary for the performance of a task in the public interest such as research.


If the university asks you for sensitive data such as your ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, data concerning health, the University of Leicester will use these data because:

Processing is necessary for research in the public interest.


What type of data will the University of Leicester use? 

We will ask you for your age, ancestry, and ZIP code and for your views on life in the United States. We will also ask you about your views, opinions, and experience of female circumcision.


Who will the University of Leicester share your data with?

Your responses to the survey will be held in the SurveyMonkey database while the survey is open to participation. Once the survey is closed, your responses will be transferred to the University of Leicester.  We won’t ask you for your name or anything else that identifies you. As a result, all your answers are completely anonymous. This means that no one will know who you are or what you said in the survey.


Will the University of Leicester transfer my data outside of the UK?

Since this survey is being conducted in the United States of America, your data will initially located in the United States of America where data protection laws differ to the UK. We will ensure that the right safeguards are in place to ensure that they handle your data safely and confidentially.


What rights do I have regarding my data held by the University of Leicester?

Your normal rights under the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation apply. However, we need to manage your records in specific ways for the research project to be reliable. This means that we will not [always] be able to let you see or change the data we hold about you.


You can stop being part of the research project at any time, without giving a reason, but we will keep information about you that we already have and continue to use this for the purposes of the research project as outlined in the Participant Information Sheet.


Where did the University of Leicester source my data from?

If you do decide to take part in this research, then you will be asked to complete a short anonymous survey online. 


Are there any consequences of not providing the requested data?

There are no consequences of not providing data for this research. It is purely voluntary.


Will there be any automated decision-making using my data?

There will be no use of automated decision-making in scope of UK Data Protection and Privacy legislation.


How long will the University of Leicester keep my data?

In line with the law, we will only keep your data for as long as we need to so that we can fulfil our research objectives. We will keep your personal data, such as your name and email address until we have completed all the actions that require us to hold them, for example sending you a copy of the results of the study if you have requested this, and then the data will be destroyed. This will take no longer than 24 months from when the study ends. We will keep psudoanonymised research data we have generated for six years this is due to university data retention policy.


Whom can I contact if I have concerns?

In the event of any questions about the research project, please contact the researchers in the first instance.


For further information on this research project, please contact Sean Callaghan at


If you have any concerns about the way in which the research project has been conducted, please contact the Chair of the University Research Ethics Committee at


The University of Leicester Data Protection Officer is:


Data Protection Officer 

University of Leicester, 

University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH

0116 229 7640


For further details about information security, please contact the Information Assurance Services team.

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